Supervised Learning Data Selection Strategies

In this section, we consider different data selection strategies geared towards efficient and robust learning in standard supervised learning setting.

Data Selection Strategy (Base Class)

class cords.selectionstrategies.SL.dataselectionstrategy.DataSelectionStrategy(trainloader, valloader, model, num_classes, linear_layer, loss, device, logger)[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of Data Selection Strategy class which serves as base class for other dataselectionstrategies for general learning frameworks. :param trainloader: Loading the training data using pytorch dataloader :type trainloader: class :param valloader: Loading the validation data using pytorch dataloader :type valloader: class :param model: Model architecture used for training :type model: class :param num_classes: Number of target classes in the dataset :type num_classes: int :param linear_layer: If True, we use the last fc layer weights and biases gradients

If False, we use the last fc layer biases gradients

  • loss (class) – PyTorch Loss function

  • device (str) – The device being utilized - cpu | cuda

  • logger (class) – logger object for logging the information

compute_gradients(valid=False, perBatch=False, perClass=False)[source]

Computes the gradient of each element.

Here, the gradients are computed in a closed form using CrossEntropyLoss with reduction set to ‘none’. This is done by calculating the gradients in last layer through addition of softmax layer.

Using different loss functions, the way we calculate the gradients will change.

For LogisticLoss we measure the Mean Absolute Error(MAE) between the pairs of observations. With reduction set to ‘none’, the loss is formulated as:

\[\ell(x, y) = L = \{l_1,\dots,l_N\}^\top, \quad l_n = \left| x_n - y_n \right|,\]

where \(N\) is the batch size.

For MSELoss, we measure the Mean Square Error(MSE) between the pairs of observations. With reduction set to ‘none’, the loss is formulated as:

\[\ell(x, y) = L = \{l_1,\dots,l_N\}^\top, \quad l_n = \left( x_n - y_n \right)^2,\]

where \(N\) is the batch size. :param valid: if True, the function also computes the validation gradients :type valid: bool :param perBatch: if True, the function computes the gradients of each mini-batch :type perBatch: bool :param perClass: if True, the function computes the gradients using perclass dataloaders :type perClass: bool

select(budget, model_params)[source]

Update the models parameters


model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters


class cords.selectionstrategies.SL.glisterstrategy.GLISTERStrategy(trainloader, valloader, model, loss_func, eta, device, num_classes, linear_layer, selection_type, greedy, logger, r=15)[source]

Bases: cords.selectionstrategies.SL.dataselectionstrategy.DataSelectionStrategy

Implementation of GLISTER-ONLINE Strategy from the paper 1 for supervised learning frameworks. GLISTER-ONLINE methods tries to solve the bi-level optimization problem given below:

\[\overbrace{\underset{{S \subseteq {\mathcal U}, |S| \leq k}}{\operatorname{argmin\hspace{0.7mm}}} L_V(\underbrace{\underset{\theta}{\operatorname{argmin\hspace{0.7mm}}} L_T( \theta, S)}_{inner-level}, {\mathcal V})}^{outer-level}\]

In the above equation, \(\mathcal{U}\) denotes the training set, \(\mathcal{V}\) denotes the validation set that guides the subset selection process, \(L_T\) denotes the training loss, \(L_V\) denotes the validation loss, \(S\) denotes the data subset selected at each round, and \(k\) is the budget for the subset.

Since, solving the complete inner-optimization is expensive, GLISTER-ONLINE adopts a online one-step meta approximation where we approximate the solution to inner problem by taking a single gradient step.

The optimization problem after the approximation is as follows:

\[\overbrace{\underset{{S \subseteq {\mathcal U}, |S| \leq k}}{\operatorname{argmin\hspace{0.7mm}}} L_V(\underbrace{\theta - \eta \nabla_{\theta}L_T(\theta, S)}_{inner-level}, {\mathcal V})}^{outer-level}\]

In the above equation, \(\eta\) denotes the step-size used for one-step gradient update.

GLISTER-ONLINE also makes an additional approximation called Taylor-Series approximation to easily solve the outer problem using a greedy selection algorithm. The Taylor series approximation is as follows:

\[L_V(\theta - \eta \nabla_{\theta}L_T(\theta, S), {\mathcal V}) \approx L_V(\theta) - \eta {\nabla_{\theta}L_T(\theta, S)}^T \nabla_{\theta}L_V(\theta, {\mathcal V})\]

The Optimization problem after the Taylor series approximation is as follows:

\[\underset{{S \subseteq {\mathcal U}, |S| \leq k}}{\operatorname{argmin\hspace{0.7mm}}}L_V(\theta - \eta \nabla_{\theta}L_T(\theta, S), {\mathcal V}) \approx L_V(\theta) - \eta {\nabla_{\theta}L_T(\theta, S)}^T \nabla_{\theta}L_V(\theta, {\mathcal V})\]

Taylor’s series approximation reduces the time complexity by reducing the need of calculating the validation loss for each element during greedy selection step which means reducing the number of forward passes required.

GLISTER-ONLINE is an adaptive subset selection algorithm that tries to select a subset every \(L\) epochs and the parameter L can be set in the original training loop.

trainloader: class

Loading the training data using pytorch DataLoader

valloader: class

Loading the validation data using pytorch DataLoader

model: class

Model architecture used for training

loss_func: object

Loss function object

eta: float

Learning rate. Step size for the one step gradient update

device: str

The device being utilized - cpu | cuda

num_classes: int

The number of target classes in the dataset

linear_layer: bool

If True, we use the last fc layer weights and biases gradients If False, we use the last fc layer biases gradients

selection_type: str

Type of selection algorithm - - ‘PerBatch’ : PerBatch method is where GLISTER algorithm is applied on each minibatch data points. - ‘PerClass’ : PerClass method is where GLISTER algorithm is applied on each class data points seperately. - ‘Supervised’ : Supervised method is where GLISTER algorithm is applied on entire training data.

greedy: str

Type of greedy selection algorithm - - ‘RGreedy’ : RGreedy Selection method is a variant of naive greedy where we just perform r rounds of greedy selection by choosing k/r points in each round. - ‘Stochastic’ : Stochastic greedy selection method is based on the algorithm presented in this paper 2 - ‘Naive’ : Normal naive greedy selection method that selects a single best element every step until the budget is fulfilled

logger: class

logger class for logging the information

rint, optional

Number of greedy selection rounds when selection method is RGreedy (default: 15)


Evaluate gradients


grads (Tensor) – Gradients


gains – Matrix product of two tensors

Return type


select(budget, model_params)[source]

Apply naive greedy method for data selection

  • budget (int) – The number of data points to be selected

  • model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters


  • greedySet (list) – List containing indices of the best datapoints,

  • budget (Tensor) – Tensor containing gradients of datapoints present in greedySet


class cords.selectionstrategies.SL.craigstrategy.CRAIGStrategy(trainloader, valloader, model, loss, device, num_classes, linear_layer, if_convex, selection_type, logger, optimizer='lazy')[source]

Bases: cords.selectionstrategies.SL.dataselectionstrategy.DataSelectionStrategy

Implementation of CRAIG Strategy from the paper 3 for supervised learning frameworks.

CRAIG strategy tries to solve the optimization problem given below for convex loss functions:

\[\sum_{i\in \mathcal{U}} \min_{j \in S, |S| \leq k} \| x^i - x^j \|\]

In the above equation, \(\mathcal{U}\) denotes the training set where \((x^i, y^i)\) denotes the \(i^{th}\) training data point and label respectively, \(L_T\) denotes the training loss, \(S\) denotes the data subset selected at each round, and \(k\) is the budget for the subset.

Since, the above optimization problem is not dependent on model parameters, we run the subset selection only once right before the start of the training.

CRAIG strategy tries to solve the optimization problem given below for non-convex loss functions:

\[\sum_{i\in \mathcal{U}} \min_{j \in S, |S| \leq k} \| \nabla_{\theta} {L_T}^i(\theta) - \nabla_{\theta} {L_T}^j(\theta) \|\]

In the above equation, \(\mathcal{U}\) denotes the training set, \(L_T\) denotes the training loss, \(S\) denotes the data subset selected at each round, and \(k\) is the budget for the subset. In this case, CRAIG acts an adaptive subset selection strategy that selects a new subset every epoch.

Both the optimization problems given above are an instance of facility location problems which is a submodular function. Hence, it can be optimally solved using greedy selection methods.

trainloader: class

Loading the training data using pytorch DataLoader

valloader: class

Loading the validation data using pytorch DataLoader

model: class

Model architecture used for training

loss_type: class

PyTorch Loss Function

device: str

The device being utilized - cpu | cuda

num_classes: int

The number of target classes in the dataset

linear_layer: bool

Apply linear transformation to the data

if_convex: bool

If convex or not

selection_type: str
Type of selection:
  • ‘PerClass’: PerClass Implementation where the facility location problem is solved for each class seperately for speed ups.

  • ‘Supervised’: Supervised Implementation where the facility location problem is solved using a sparse similarity matrix by

    assigning the similarity of a point with other points of different class to zero.

  • ‘PerBatch’: PerBatch Implementation where the facility location problem tries to select subset of mini-batches.

  • logger object for logging the information

optimizer: str

Type of Greedy Algorithm


Compute the gamma values for the indices.


idxs (list) – The indices


gamma – Gradient values of the input indices

Return type


compute_score(model_params, idxs)[source]

Compute the score of the indices.

  • model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters

  • idxs (list) – The indices

distance(x, y, exp=2)[source]

Compute the distance.

  • x (Tensor) – First input tensor

  • y (Tensor) – Second input tensor

  • exp (float, optional) – The exponent value (default: 2)


dist – Output tensor

Return type



Obtain the similarity kernel.


kernel – Array of kernel values

Return type


select(budget, model_params)[source]

Data selection method using different submodular optimization functions.

  • budget (int) – The number of data points to be selected

  • model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters

  • optimizer (str) – The optimization approach for data selection. Must be one of ‘random’, ‘modular’, ‘naive’, ‘lazy’, ‘approximate-lazy’, ‘two-stage’, ‘stochastic’, ‘sample’, ‘greedi’, ‘bidirectional’


  • total_greedy_list (list) – List containing indices of the best datapoints

  • gammas (list) – List containing gradients of datapoints present in greedySet

GradMatch 4

class cords.selectionstrategies.SL.gradmatchstrategy.GradMatchStrategy(trainloader, valloader, model, loss, eta, device, num_classes, linear_layer, selection_type, logger, valid=False, v1=True, lam=0, eps=0.0001)[source]

Bases: cords.selectionstrategies.SL.dataselectionstrategy.DataSelectionStrategy

Implementation of GradMatch Strategy from the paper 4 for supervised learning frameworks.

GradMatch strategy tries to solve the optimization problem given below:

\[\min_{\mathbf{w}, S: |S| \leq k} \Vert \sum_{i \in S} w_i \nabla_{\theta}L_T^i(\theta) - \nabla_{\theta}L(\theta)\Vert\]

In the above equation, \(\mathbf{w}\) denotes the weight vector that contains the weights for each data instance, \(\mathcal{U}\) training set where \((x^i, y^i)\) denotes the \(i^{th}\) training data point and label respectively, \(L_T\) denotes the training loss, \(L\) denotes either training loss or validation loss depending on the parameter valid, \(S\) denotes the data subset selected at each round, and \(k\) is the budget for the subset.

The above optimization problem is solved using the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(OMP) algorithm.

trainloader: class

Loading the training data using pytorch DataLoader

valloader: class

Loading the validation data using pytorch DataLoader

model: class

Model architecture used for training

loss: class

PyTorch loss function for training

eta: float

Learning rate. Step size for the one step gradient update

device: str

The device being utilized - cpu | cuda

num_classes: int

The number of target classes in the dataset

linear_layer: bool

Apply linear transformation to the data

selection_type: str

Type of selection - - ‘PerClass’: PerClass method is where OMP algorithm is applied on each class data points seperately. - ‘PerBatch’: PerBatch method is where OMP algorithm is applied on each minibatch data points. - ‘PerClassPerGradient’: PerClassPerGradient method is same as PerClass but we use the gradient corresponding to classification layer of that class only.

  • logger object for logging the information


If valid==True, we use validation dataset gradient sum in OMP otherwise we use training dataset (default: False)


If v1==True, we use newer version of OMP solver that is more accurate


Regularization constant of OMP solver


Epsilon parameter to which the above optimization problem is solved using OMP algorithm

ompwrapper(X, Y, bud)[source]
select(budget, model_params)[source]

Apply OMP Algorithm for data selection

  • budget (int) – The number of data points to be selected

  • model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters


  • idxs (list) – List containing indices of the best datapoints,

  • gammas (weights tensors) – Tensor containing weights of each instance

Random Strategy

class cords.selectionstrategies.SL.randomstrategy.RandomStrategy(trainloader, online=False)[source]

Bases: object

This is the Random Selection Strategy class where we select a set of random points as a datasubset and often acts as baselines to compare other selection strategies.


trainloader (class) – Loading the training data using pytorch DataLoader


Perform random sampling of indices of size budget.


budget (int) – The number of data points to be selected


  • indices (ndarray) – Array of indices of size budget selected randomly

  • gammas (Tensor) – Gradient weight values of selected indices

Submodular Selection Strategy

class cords.selectionstrategies.SL.submodularselectionstrategy.SubmodularSelectionStrategy(trainloader, valloader, model, loss, device, num_classes, linear_layer, if_convex, selection_type, submod_func_type, optimizer)[source]

Bases: cords.selectionstrategies.SL.dataselectionstrategy.DataSelectionStrategy

This class extends selectionstrategies.supervisedlearning.dataselectionstrategy.DataSelectionStrategy to include submodular optmization functions using apricot for data selection.

  • trainloader (class) – Loading the training data using pytorch DataLoader

  • valloader (class) – Loading the validation data using pytorch DataLoader

  • model (class) – Model architecture used for training

  • loss_type (class) – The type of loss criterion

  • device (str) – The device being utilized - cpu | cuda

  • num_classes (int) – The number of target classes in the dataset

  • linear_layer (bool) – Apply linear transformation to the data

  • if_convex (bool) – If convex or not

  • selection_type (str) – PerClass or Supervised

  • submod_func_type (str) – The type of submodular optimization function. Must be one of ‘facility-location’, ‘graph-cut’, ‘sum-redundancy’, ‘saturated-coverage’


Compute the gamma values for the indices.


idxs (list) – The indices


gamma – Gradient values of the input indices

Return type


compute_score(model_params, idxs)[source]

Compute the score of the indices.

  • model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters

  • idxs (list) – The indices

distance(x, y, exp=2)[source]

Compute the distance.

  • x (Tensor) – First input tensor

  • y (Tensor) – Second input tensor

  • exp (float, optional) – The exponent value (default: 2)


dist – Output tensor

Return type



Obtain the similarity kernel.


kernel – Array of kernel values

Return type


select(budget, model_params)[source]

Data selection method using different submodular optimization functions.

  • budget (int) – The number of data points to be selected

  • model_params (OrderedDict) – Python dictionary object containing models parameters

  • optimizer (str) – The optimization approach for data selection. Must be one of ‘random’, ‘modular’, ‘naive’, ‘lazy’, ‘approximate-lazy’, ‘two-stage’, ‘stochastic’, ‘sample’, ‘greedi’, ‘bidirectional’


  • total_greedy_list (list) – List containing indices of the best datapoints

  • gammas (list) – List containing gradients of datapoints present in greedySet



Krishnateja Killamsetty, Durga Sivasubramanian, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, and Rishabh Iyer. Glister: generalization based data subset selection for efficient and robust learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(9):8110–8118, May 2021. URL:


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Krishnateja Killamsetty, Durga S, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Abir De, and Rishabh Iyer. Grad-match: gradient matching based data subset selection for efficient deep model training. In Marina Meila and Tong Zhang, editors, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, volume 139 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 5464–5474. PMLR, 18–24 Jul 2021. URL: